Talking Behind Your Back

Psalm 23:6 -Amplified Bible – 6 Surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days] in the house and in the presence of the Lord.

Goodness and mercy should be following you all the days of your life. But you have to give permission. Permission comes when you accept that the Lord is y our shepherd (the beginning of the passage). If you can’t accept the beginning of a thing, it’s difficult to be able to benefit from the benefits within the thing. So, in the passage of Psalm 23 we see that the benefits of those whose Lord is their shepherd, there are different benefits that they can have faith in and receive. All of God’s benefits are available to you, but you obtain those benefits by believing them and saying “Yes” to receiving them. This is how you accept something in God’s word by faith.

Concerning the language and things spoken behind your back, you can activate the words of goodness, mercy and unfailing love to speak of you. Imagine if those were the things being spoken of you behind your back! How different would your thoughts be? How different would you feel? And how much could you possibly accomplish? What a lifechanging opportunity. This revelation to me changed my thinking about what other people thought of me. Because God’s goodness, mercy, and unfailing love is the one talking about me, I know that it covers and overrides whatever other people have to say. If people say things that agree with God’s version of me behind my back, then they get to participate in the results of what God produces in front of me. But, if they are speaking evil things that go against God’s Words to me, then they are kept at a distance. They will not be able to walk with me and keep pace or even be in ear shot of what I have to say. God protects me from behind because He speaks about me behind my back.

WOW! How awesome is this feature of being a believer in Jesus. How amazing it is to unlock (using your faith) and uncovering (getting revelation) the things that God has set up for us. You have a champion Shepherd watching out for your protection. He knows how to take care of things that come in to hinder you from lying in green pastures and sitting beside still waters. Make sure you’ve accepted Him as Shepherd.

Today’s Assignment: Examine your words to see if you are cooperating with words of evil spoken behind your back or words of God’s goodness, mercy and unfailing love. I’ve had to do this in my own life. There were many evil words spoken against me, and before this revelation I would be affected by those words. Not any more, now I’m affected by goodness, mercy, and unfailing love talking my name all over the world 😊 Examine yourself today and make the switch. Read Psalm 23 with new vision.

Prayer: Father, I accept you as my Shepherd. I agree I shall not want. I agree with everything that is written about the Good Shepherd that you are. Most of all I agree with all of the words and actions of your goodness, mercy, and unfailing love in my life. Go ahead God, talk about me all over the place. I accept your publication of me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!


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