The High Value Woman's Group is designed for the Christian Woman desiring to go to the next level in her life. She desires to have a community of women that think big, want to grow in their personal life, and make a difference in their world.
Here is what you will receive in your monthly subscription as a member:
Two live zoom calls per month (available within the group for unlimited viewing during membership in FB group)
Membership in a FB group community of High Value Women Subscribers
Opportunity to post questions for Dr. Fiona to answer throughout the month
You will get first hand benefits to new insight that Dr. Fiona receives on topics as she studies throughout the year
Spontaneous giveaways of Dr. Fiona's books and other products
If you want to be surrounded (even from a distance) by high thinking women, this is your opportunity. Invest in yourself and experience another level of life.
Your future deserves your attention. Are you ready?
Dr. Fiona teaches with authority and conviction. View her public speaking videos here, and samples of some of the coaching topics within the High Value Woman’s Group. Besides being the author of over 14 books and devotionals, she is in demand as a speaker in events around the world. She has taught internationally and nationally to audiences of different ages, genders, and ethnicity. She is a woman of purpose that speaks purpose. Listen for yourself here. . .
Hear what abby has to say about it
Abby talks about her transformative experience being a part of the High Value Woman group!
Hear what MELISSA has to say about it
Melissa talks about gaining confidence because of the High Value Woman group!
Hear what Nadine has to say about it
Nadine givers her transformational testimony after being apart of the High Value Woman course!