Let Men be Men
Good men are being ridiculed, prodded, scorned, and told that they are too aggressive for today’s society. Instead of our men having the opportunity to increase their aggressive, strong, powerful skills against enemies of the family and mankind in general, men are being asked to tone things down. Why? So that women can be accepted. Unfortunately, women are being used to weaken men in society so that the true enemy of mankind, the devil, can prowl and devour those who are unprotected and weak.
Women are not the same as men. We are different in physical strength and mental processing. God designed mankind this way. Mankind was not created to compete between genders, but to complete an image on earth that represents God. Even unmarried men and women can work together on a project and bring out a result that shows a complete image of how God would do something. Instead of us completing works together, the enemy has convinced us to compete for works against each other.
I have helped many women over the years find their purpose and strengthen their esteem. I have also helped men. I have never had to put a man down to help a woman accomplish greatness in her life. Likewise, I have never had to put a woman down to allow a man to fulfill his purpose. The exception to everything I am saying about strong men is abusive men. Abusive men do not represent strong men, or the image that God created men to be reflecting. Abusive men are pawns that are weak in their own esteem and as such they prowl on humans, both male and female, to make themselves feel strong. There are women who could be labeled abusive also, and they are abusive for the same selfish reasons as their male counterparts.
My point-of-view relates to real men who were designed by God to protect His humans on the earth. Men were designed to be strong, overpowering, sharp, intelligent, and sound decision makers. God deposited a “headship” anointing in the male species with the intention of the headship anointing to break open when they become head of households. Unfortunately, the culture has decided that men in charge as head of households is a crime and discriminatory towards women’s freedom. In fact, it is quite the opposite. A real man, a strong man, rejoices in a home when his wife is also a strong, independent, high self esteem, free woman. He knows that he has high caliber character to work with and that he can depend on her advice and senses concerning matters of their household. But the roles of father, head of household, and protector of the family have been overshadowed by a woke culture that is easily offended and in emotional pain.
The term “strong man” has become an oxymoron, as boys have been groomed to be such weak men that they have decided to become women. Men are fighting to be identified as women and feel entitled to compete against women in all areas of life. In sports we see young boys being marketed into girls sports to represent a community as confused as a cow at a new gate. Men who were designed to stand up and protect women are now coming against women and viciously ravaging the accomplishments women have worked hard to attain. A real, strong man would never stoop to this dysfunctional level of compromising his identity of being a real man. Real men embrace their strong manhood.
Women, I think it’s time that we stand up for the strength of our men. We must start celebrating their strength, wisdom, and decision making skills that have been dampened by societal new norms. Consider that before Eve arrived on the scene in the book of Genesis, Adam had already named all of the animals and tress in the Garden of Eden. He had already properly followed up and kept up with naming and caring for creations in the Garden before Eve was created. Adam even named Eve and called her woman. God said that He was going to make a help for Adam, and Adam when He saw her did not call her help, he called her woman. Real men know and understand women. Society has normalized men not understanding women. I say, society is wrong. Men can understand women. The problem is that most women who have a problem with men are unsure of their own identity. The same could be said for men who have a problem with women.
Sampson was a strong man, Daniel was able to sleep on lions, David fought the lion and bear with his bare hands. It was a Son that God sent on the earth to die for the sins of men and women. God is quite comfortable with giving BIG assignments to men, isn’t it time that we agree with God that men can handle big assignments because God made them strong?
Dr. Fiona Pyszka – Fiona Inc